Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fallacies Webcast, With Someone You May Know (All)

Two weeks ago, I encouraged you all to attend an event on Fallacies in the real world, presented by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein, at Politics and Prose Book store: "Aristotle and an Aardvark Go To Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak Through Philosophy and Jokes." (Consider doing a book review for extra credit, see syllabus and me for further reference.)

Well, that webcast was filmed and televised on C-SPAN this past weekend. As such, I have posted the link "Here" that can prove informative: (1) It can help you all think through fallacies in new and practical ways, in preparation for the coming Midterm Learning Assessment and (2) There is chubby guy at the end of the video, that many of us may recognize, who is asking a question about fallacies that speaks to the lived-limits of informal-logic.

*Extra Credit: For the next class, if any students can turn in a text that restates the question posed by the chubby guy (me, hint hint) and assess the author/s' response determining if there were any fallacies committed, or any limitations, extra credit points will be earned.

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