*Note: For PGCC "2215" @6pm, keep the following matters in mind as you all go about completing your Final Research Projects (FRP).
For your drafts of section four and five of your FRP that are due this coming Wednesday (4.23.08), keep the following three gestures in mind:
For your drafts of section four and five of your FRP that are due this coming Wednesday (4.23.08), keep the following three gestures in mind:
- Before you write your drafts, be sure that you clearly know what MEAL (metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and logic) is all about. Developing section four (on your philosophy) presupposes that you all have a good understanding of MEAL. Check out "What is Philosophy Anyway" (scroll down and see "Branches of Philosophy"), "A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names" and/or view the "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy" for further reference.
- Simplifying section four of your FRP, remember that you all have options, but not allot of them: (a) on what exists, you are either going to be committed to a material, a spiritual or a world-view that is some kind of synonym or combination of the two; (b) on how do you know what exists, you are either going to be committed to a world-view that privileges the senses (including the faculty to reason), faith or some kind of synonym or combination of the two; (c) on your values, you have a host of options, but be sure that whatever you commit to is so core that without it you are divorced of a sense of purpose/meaning; and (d) on your praxis, be sure that it corresponds with your values-- in other words, your actions should follow from your core value/s.
- On section five of your FRP, keep the following in mind: (a) develop a clear and concrete research question; (b) clearly determine and express why you value your question and/or why knowing about it matters; and (c) make sure you express your text within the framework of a well developed Critique-- Intro-Thesis, Body (with critical analysis, "SAC," etc.) and Conclusion, privileging your voice.
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