What follows are dates that you all need to be mindful of, addressing Final Reseach Project (FRP) matters:
*Note: Before you turn in any of the following materials, be sure that you visit the prior blog post on what the expectations are for section four (on your philosophy) and section five (special research topic) of the FRP.
1. Monday, 4.7.08 (Tomorrow if you forgot!): Turn in a summary of section four (creating a narrative, within the framework as specified on prior post) and section five (introducing your topic, why you value it and how you intend to examine it) of your FRP.
2. Monday, 4.14.o8: Turn in an outline of section four and section five of your FRP-- informed by my commentary found in your summary, sketch a well developed outline of your projected final sections.
3. Monday, 4.21.08: Turn in a draft of section four and section five of your FRP-- in other words, write both sections and hand them in, as if you were completing both sections.
4. Monday, 4.28.08: Turn in a well developed outline of your total FRP (all five sections)-- at this point, you will have already done this for section four and five of your FRP, just make any potential adjustments and use this time to edit and integrate your former critiques into the FRP.
5. Monday, 5.5.08: Optional! Turn in Draft of completed FRP (though this is optional, doing this project will help ensure that you earn optimal points on the FRP and will serve as FIVE EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!).
Keep the following in mind: Look at the abovementioned dates optimistically! The latter dates are consistent with what I said during the first week of class: I expect everyone to get an "A," but I cannot want it more than you! In other words, if you do the summary, outline and drafts, you will earn more points for turning that work in (for those that have not done well on some Learning Assessments, have missed some critiques, or have been behind, this is a practical way to makeup lost points, helping you help yourself), I will have the opportunity to read your work and give you comments, to ensure that you get the best grade possible-- mindful that the final is worth 25% of your total grade.
*Note: Before you turn in any of the following materials, be sure that you visit the prior blog post on what the expectations are for section four (on your philosophy) and section five (special research topic) of the FRP.
1. Monday, 4.7.08 (Tomorrow if you forgot!): Turn in a summary of section four (creating a narrative, within the framework as specified on prior post) and section five (introducing your topic, why you value it and how you intend to examine it) of your FRP.
2. Monday, 4.14.o8: Turn in an outline of section four and section five of your FRP-- informed by my commentary found in your summary, sketch a well developed outline of your projected final sections.
3. Monday, 4.21.08: Turn in a draft of section four and section five of your FRP-- in other words, write both sections and hand them in, as if you were completing both sections.
4. Monday, 4.28.08: Turn in a well developed outline of your total FRP (all five sections)-- at this point, you will have already done this for section four and five of your FRP, just make any potential adjustments and use this time to edit and integrate your former critiques into the FRP.
5. Monday, 5.5.08: Optional! Turn in Draft of completed FRP (though this is optional, doing this project will help ensure that you earn optimal points on the FRP and will serve as FIVE EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!).
Keep the following in mind: Look at the abovementioned dates optimistically! The latter dates are consistent with what I said during the first week of class: I expect everyone to get an "A," but I cannot want it more than you! In other words, if you do the summary, outline and drafts, you will earn more points for turning that work in (for those that have not done well on some Learning Assessments, have missed some critiques, or have been behind, this is a practical way to makeup lost points, helping you help yourself), I will have the opportunity to read your work and give you comments, to ensure that you get the best grade possible-- mindful that the final is worth 25% of your total grade.
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