Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome BSU Students!

Greetings, I just wanted to say hello and welcome you all to my blog. In this entry, there are two matters to address:
  1. Identification: Students in my classes, PHIL 101.001, MWF 9 - 9:50 am, will be identified as (001); PHIL 101.002, MWF 10 - 10:50 am, will be identified as (002); PHIL 207.001, TR 1 - 2:20 pm, will be identified as (207); HIST 115.005, 9:30 - 10:50 am, will be identified as (115); and GOVT 250.001, MWF, 1 - 1:50 pm, will be identified as (250). By "identified" I mean, when I create a post for a given class, next to a given title, like the one above "Welcome BSU Students," I will be posting your class "identification" number in parentheses next to the title to let you all know who a given post pertains to, like "Welcome BSU Students" (207), etc. Note: Sometimes, especially for students in my PHIL 101 classes, the posts will pertain to both classes, such that I will identify you all in parenthesis as (001 and 002).
  2. Resources: On the right-hand column of this blog, you will find resources that can prove useful-- covering philosophy, webcasts, history links, rhetorical links and news links.
Stay tuned. In class, I will provide further instructions.
